Prout's Neck and Portland, Maine
June 15-16
Intrigued by a story we read in Yankee Magazine, we visited Prout's Neck, and built a family compound. He modified a carriage house on the property to serve as Winslow's studio, where he could sit on a second story deck and watch the waves breaking on the rocks below. It was a place of refuge for him from 1883 until the day he died there in 1910. We made a pilgrimage to the modest studio, which is now dwarfed by elegant summer homes tucked in the hills all around it.
Winslow liked to walk a cliffside path near his studio with his dog, Sam. Following in his footsteps, we took hundreds of photographs, finding alluring views around every twist and turn in the path-- waves broke on the jagged rocks; beach roses grew from tiny crevices; calm pools reflected the sky and revealed sea life below; birds soared and floated; juniper trees blown by eons of ocean wind bent in ikebana poses.
The next day, we went to the (Compare our photo above with his painting, and see if you agree.)
We also watched a video about his studio, which the museum has recently acquired. We saw the studio from the outside yesterday, but came to appreciate it better, inside and out, today.
While the was one of our favorites for capturing the feelings we have for hard working watermen. (Tune in for more about those watermen in our next post!)
We could go on sharing our favorites from the museum for quite some time, but I'll end it here with a painting by Raoul Dufy, "Barques aux Martiques," which reminds me of our sunny visit to
Good composition!