August 15, 2013
Cape Charles, VA to Savannah, GA
It's a long way and a long day, but we are happily home once again.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friends and Fire
14, 2013
a perfect ending to this day--the sky is on fire, and our house is not.
The highlight of today is a visit to our
boating buddies, Roxanne and Lennie, who we think of often, but have seen just
once since we all finished the Great Loop.
They live in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware, in a home with panoramic views of
the marsh and Rehobeth Bay beyond. We
while away a few hours on their back deck, catching up on life after the Loop
(like us, they have sold their boat and settled back into a landlubber life
Our lunch out on their back deck is the
best meal of the trip--beginning with watermelon gazpacho, continuing with tasty
crab cakes that Roxanne has made from a local restaurant recipe (no breadcrumbs
to dilute the luscious taste of the crabmeat), and ending with killer chocolate
All too soon it
is time to hit the road again, and Roxanne sends us off with some of those
tasty brownies for the road. Although
Dick has studied the map with Lenny, and discussed some good options for
lollygagging our way down the coast, once we get driving and talking about
options, we find we are both starting to feel a bit eager to get home.
We end up
deciding to stop just before the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, and by just
before, I mean within half a mile of the toll booths. The Sunset Beach Resort Hotel is decidedly
shabby in all its public areas, and the wifi is not working, but we can’t bear
the thought of getting back in the car and driving twenty miles across the
bridges/through the tunnels to get to the other side and start looking for another
hotel. (All the other hotels we have passed on unlucky Route 13 look even more grungy
or are out of business--reminds us of Route 66.)
Our room is a
pleasant surprise--extremely clean and nearly tasteful in its décor, with
smooth sheets and fluffy towels. Just as
we are feeling relieved and reassured about our accommodations, Dick gets a
disturbing phone call from our alarm company reporting that our attic heat
sensor has gone off. The fire department
is on the way. While visions of the
house in flames dance in his head, he calls our friend Fred the fireman, who is
getting paged to the alarm at our house at that very moment. Fortunately, it turns out to be a false alarm,
probably tripped by the severe storms that have been pelting our island for
days. Fred gives us an on-site report on the action, and assures us that all is
well at home.
We wander down
to the Sunset Grille on the resort’s private beach. It turns out to be the shabbiest looking
amenity of the whole place--a shack that smells of cooking grease, precariously
perched on a deck that is in danger of being swallowed by a sand dune. We grab
a picnic table and order our meal, and once again we are surprised--the food is
really good.
And the sunset
is excellent.Tuesday, August 13, 2013
A Very Vagabondy Day
13, 2013
We are back in
the vagabond groove today, with more adventures than we could possibly imagine
springing up at us from every direction.
And it all happens in Maryland.
We begin in LaVale,
with rain falling and mist clouds rising from the hollows of the mountains all
around us. This calls for coffee, and we
find the perfect spot, Mountain City
Coffee House and Creamery, clinging to the side of a mountain slope
crowding the town of Frostburg. The
place has a spiritual vibe--which jives with how we are feeling about java this
And, we must
have some kind of spiritual mojo going on, because the next thing you know,
here we are beside “God’s Ark of Safety,”
an authentic ark being built right here in Frostburg at the special request of
Jesus, as delivered in the 1970s to Pastor Richard Greene. Building progress has been slow over these
many years since, despite Pastor Greene’s travels all over the world to share
the plans and raise money to fulfill the promise. But, it appears that the project is not just
about the product, but the process, as well.
A visitor who viewed the ark was cured of bronchitis, a worker was
healed of a sun allergy. These are miracles
we can believe in! The one miracle we
are skeptical about is the miracle that this 450 foot long, 75 foot wide, 45
foot high vessel will ever be completed.
The crowning
jewel of the day, and the reason we are in the Frostburg area in the first
place, is our photo safari through the last remaining intact silk mill in
America--the Lonaconing Silk Mill. Established in 1907, the mill stopped
production in 1957, and it appears that at the end of the last day of work,
everyone just left all their tools and papers and work clothes behind and
walked out the door, then the owners locked up without bothering to clean up or
reclaim any excess inventory.
In the
intervening years, the paint has cracked and peeled, windows have cracked and
broken, the roof has sprung many a leak, and the hundreds and hundreds of spinning
and weaving machines have developed a deep layer of rust.
What a glorious
playground for photographers!
We will throw in
a few of our photos as we tell the story of its fate after the plant
On the recommendation of a politician friend
of his, Herb Crawford bought the 48,000 square foot mill thirty years ago with
the intention of renting it out as a sewing factory, but the plan fell through
when the politician “got caught with his hand in the cookie jar,” as Herb
Herb has been trying ever since to
get some foundation or government agency to save this historically significant
building. The county is interested, but
has no money. Same story from Maryland
officials. Some guy wants to take the
place off his hands for $400,000, and then take the place apart, selling off
the pieces for scrap and reclaimed materials.
Herb is trying to hold off on selling to someone who will not preserve
it, but he is retired, and was counting on this building to be his retirement
And, trying to take care of the
building looks like it is a big job, too--he spent the whole time we were there
just going around the building emptying buckets that had filled with rainwater
that had leaked in from last night’s rain, and using a wet vac to clean up the
particularly big and deep puddles that missed a bucket. Water is still dripping and puddling as we leave,
although it stopped raining a couple hours ago.
Just a block
from the Silk Mill, a fifty foot chimney rises over a tidy little municipal park. We are curious, and stop to explore (of
course). We learn from a very detailed
historic marker that this is the Lonaconing
Iron Furnace, built in 1837, and in operation only until 1855. In its
heyday it employed 260 workers and produced sixty tons of pig iron per
week. It was historically significant
for being the first furnace to make iron from coal and coke, rather than
charcoal. Alas, it closed down in 1855 when easily available deposits of iron
ore were depleted around here, and Pennsylvania iron furnaces were nearer to coal
and railroads, giving them a significant product production and distribution advantage.
Down the road a ways,
near Cumberland, Dick uses his amazing restaurant radar to determine that this
divey place, Bunnie’s, is actually a restaurant. We enter with some hesitancy, especially when
the door spills us into a claustrophobic bar room with three guys you don’t
want to be close to drinking at the bar. They go quiet and look at us, and we at them,
until a hostess quickly jumps out from the shadows and shows us to a perfectly
lovely dining room in the back, where some more appealing local types are
dining. The lunch is the best we have
had on this trip.
We began the day
in the rainy mountains of western Maryland, and we end it watching a golden
sunset on the Chesapeake Bay. We are in
Kent Narrows, where crab houses (and working boats) line the shore--our dinner target
is clear. The first crab house we choose
has run out of crabs, but recommends their finest competitor, where we grab our
mallets and pound and pick our way through a shared tray of a dozen large crabs.
Our mouths are
tingling from Bay Seasoning as we finish, so we (like most other people here)
order the restaurant’s signature dessert--a Nutty Buddy made in-house. It looks like the Nutty Buddy of our
childhood has grown up and gone on steroids. But somehow we each manage to finish
What a DAY!
Monday, August 12, 2013
On Our Merry Way to Maryland
12, 2013
After we see Natalie off in Richmond, Virginia, we have a long drive ahead of us to Cumberland, Maryland, where Dick has scheduled a unique photo shoot experience for us tomorrow.
Although Mail Pouch barns are a rare sight today, back in the peak of the company’s barn painting program in the 1960s about 20,000 barns bore their advertising message. Mail Pouch retired the barn painting program when their most prolific barn painter, Harley Warrick, retired in 1992. Harley estimated that he painted 20,000 barns during his career.
After we see Natalie off in Richmond, Virginia, we have a long drive ahead of us to Cumberland, Maryland, where Dick has scheduled a unique photo shoot experience for us tomorrow.
We don’t have time to do the whole drive
on two lane back roads, as is our preference, but we do a goodly portion off
the interstate grid, and are rewarded with rolling rural vistas, lots of
contented cows a-grazing, country churches with inspiring message boards out
front (“If God is your copilot, exchange seats”), and other noteworthy sights. As
we pass through Rockingham County--self-proclaimed “turkey capital of Virginia”
and the state’s top poultry production county--a semi-truck passes us piled
high with small wire cages loaded with big white chickens. The cages are so tiny and the chickens so
large, it seems there is scarcely any room for the chickens to move. Try not to think about this too much, or you
may lose your appetite for chicken.
Our favorite find of the drive is this
barn in West Virginia:
Although Mail Pouch barns are a rare sight today, back in the peak of the company’s barn painting program in the 1960s about 20,000 barns bore their advertising message. Mail Pouch retired the barn painting program when their most prolific barn painter, Harley Warrick, retired in 1992. Harley estimated that he painted 20,000 barns during his career.
Perhaps this barn was one of his creations.
All Good Things Must End
Ten Year Old Trip
Day 8
August 12, 2013
Today we have to bid Natalie farewell, as we send her flying back to her family in Cincinnati.
Day 8
August 12, 2013
Today we have to bid Natalie farewell, as we send her flying back to her family in Cincinnati.
We have enjoyed great adventures with
Natalie over the past week, and we miss her already, as we leave the Richmond airport
with an empty back seat, and she is on her first plane ride all by herself.
History to the Max
Ten Year Old Trip
Day 7
August 11, 2013
We begin the day at the Colonial Pancake House, where Seniors can order from the Children’s Menu, so we are all on the same page.
Then we drive down the Colonial Parkway (which Granddad and Gayl last traversed by bicycle about six years ago while riding Bike Virginia) to Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, established 1607.
A costumed ranger playing the role of John Rolfe, the Englishman who married Pocahontas, gives us an orientation to the island, as if we are newly arriving colonists from England. We learn about all the reasons past colonists failed and died over the first twenty years of colonization, and about how much better everyone isf faring now that (1)he has married Pocahontas and created a peaceful connection between the English and the natives and (2) the society is less communal, so people work harder, recognizing that they will personally benefit from their labors. While he is talking (and talking, and talking), we are sitting on benches overlooking the James River, and watching the car ferries cross, reminiscing about when we rode the ferry with our bicycles.
(A couple interesting things that our John Rolfe guide fails to mention about his marriage to Pocahontas--it was the first interracial marriage in American history, and Nancy Reagan is a descendant of their union.)
After his talk, we accompany Natalie as she embarks on a hunt game that Jamestown has created, with a very cool comic/activity book that we use to find clues hidden throughout Jamestown. We can complete this mystery in less than two hours, along the way we learn a lot about Jamestown and how archeologists find clues to life in the settlement, and the reward for solving the mystery is a cool Jamestown drawstring backpack. We like this game!
After lunch, we are back in Williamsburg, intent on completing RevQuest. Just when we thought we had completed the game yesterday, we learned at the last stop that there was another whole stage to the game. When we continue today, we find out that we had been hoodwinked into helping the British in the first half of the game, and now we have to redeem ourselves though another series of clues and ciphering activity. Finally, we complete the game and earn our reward, a commemorative coin with a secret word engraved on it that would let us continue to play further, if we like. This whole episode sort of reminds me of that scene in the movie Christmas Story when Ralphie gets the long awaited secret decoder ring, only to find that the secret message is “Drink your Ovaltine.”
Day 7
August 11, 2013
We begin the day at the Colonial Pancake House, where Seniors can order from the Children’s Menu, so we are all on the same page.
Then we drive down the Colonial Parkway (which Granddad and Gayl last traversed by bicycle about six years ago while riding Bike Virginia) to Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, established 1607.
A costumed ranger playing the role of John Rolfe, the Englishman who married Pocahontas, gives us an orientation to the island, as if we are newly arriving colonists from England. We learn about all the reasons past colonists failed and died over the first twenty years of colonization, and about how much better everyone isf faring now that (1)he has married Pocahontas and created a peaceful connection between the English and the natives and (2) the society is less communal, so people work harder, recognizing that they will personally benefit from their labors. While he is talking (and talking, and talking), we are sitting on benches overlooking the James River, and watching the car ferries cross, reminiscing about when we rode the ferry with our bicycles.
(A couple interesting things that our John Rolfe guide fails to mention about his marriage to Pocahontas--it was the first interracial marriage in American history, and Nancy Reagan is a descendant of their union.)
After his talk, we accompany Natalie as she embarks on a hunt game that Jamestown has created, with a very cool comic/activity book that we use to find clues hidden throughout Jamestown. We can complete this mystery in less than two hours, along the way we learn a lot about Jamestown and how archeologists find clues to life in the settlement, and the reward for solving the mystery is a cool Jamestown drawstring backpack. We like this game!
After lunch, we are back in Williamsburg, intent on completing RevQuest. Just when we thought we had completed the game yesterday, we learned at the last stop that there was another whole stage to the game. When we continue today, we find out that we had been hoodwinked into helping the British in the first half of the game, and now we have to redeem ourselves though another series of clues and ciphering activity. Finally, we complete the game and earn our reward, a commemorative coin with a secret word engraved on it that would let us continue to play further, if we like. This whole episode sort of reminds me of that scene in the movie Christmas Story when Ralphie gets the long awaited secret decoder ring, only to find that the secret message is “Drink your Ovaltine.”
Just after we get back to our room to get
ready for dinner, the sky opens and provides our daily afternoon downpour. The rain stops just before we pile into the
car to dinner. Our timing with rain is
quite amazing. The rain has not stopped us
yet, even though it has poured down every afternoon but one of Natalie’s ten-year-old
And, we see that there is more rain
showing on the radar after dinner, so we all carry ponchos for our 8:30 ghost
walk, but we don’t see any rain (or any ghosts, either), as we follow our guide
through the dimly lit streets of Colonial Williamsburg, stopping to listen to
tales of modern sightings of ghosts hearkening back to the 18th and
19th centuries.
We try to get to bed early--we have to be
up at 6 a.m. tomorrow to get Natalie to the airport.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Non-Stop Williamsburg
Ten Year Old Trip
Day 6
August 10, 2013
This action-packed day begins at the visitor center at 8:45, watching a film that provides us with our orientation to RevQuest, a game where we play the role of patriot spies trying to find clues that will help us defend the colony from the British. Over the course of the day, we will find “friends” wearing black and white striped ribbons at several different locations throughout the town, and use different methods they provide us to decode encrypted messages. It is a fun way to explore Williamsburg while learning about different ways that spies of the time tried to communicate in secret.
The rest of the afternoon is spent dashing from building to building between heavy storms. As a result, we know way more about the silversmiths’ work than we would ever otherwise have learned. We spend a very long time there while the rain comes down in torrents and the electric candle lights flicker more than normal. Ironically, we all hold our breath, worried that the power may go out, and give us a truly authentic historic experience.
Before the day is through, Natalie earns
a pin by doing activities at five different places on the kid’s map.
Day 6
August 10, 2013
This action-packed day begins at the visitor center at 8:45, watching a film that provides us with our orientation to RevQuest, a game where we play the role of patriot spies trying to find clues that will help us defend the colony from the British. Over the course of the day, we will find “friends” wearing black and white striped ribbons at several different locations throughout the town, and use different methods they provide us to decode encrypted messages. It is a fun way to explore Williamsburg while learning about different ways that spies of the time tried to communicate in secret.
We join a bunch of patriots and
sympathizers debating on the village green.
It seems that many kegs of powder were removed from the magazine last
night around 3 a.m. on the governor’s orders.
We join the patriots in storming the Governor’s mansion, then stop after
the governor threatens us all with dire consequences (like being hanged as
We tour the home of George Wythe, a man
who revolutionized educational methods and taught many of the patriots like
Thomas Jefferson. In the back yard of the house, we do a fun science experiment
developed by Joseph Priestly, and Granddad plays a strategy board game with a
costumed interpreter. She beats him handily.
Out in the garden, we learn another game that
was played by young people, using a spindle that has a ball with a hole
attached to it by a string. The costumed
interpreter makes it look easy to get the spindle point into the hole, but we
find it very difficult. The interpreter
says, “If you only own one toy, it better be a little bit hard.”
We tour the Capitol on a special tour led
by a very eloquent Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Williamsburg.
After the Capitol, we go directly to Gaol,
where we stay in a gloomy cell longer than expected, due to a rain shower.
The rest of the afternoon is spent dashing from building to building between heavy storms. As a result, we know way more about the silversmiths’ work than we would ever otherwise have learned. We spend a very long time there while the rain comes down in torrents and the electric candle lights flicker more than normal. Ironically, we all hold our breath, worried that the power may go out, and give us a truly authentic historic experience.
Natalie delighted in finding things that
were not appropriate to the time, but we were most appreciative of the air
conditioning in the buildings on this day with temperatures in the high 80s and
humidity hovering near 100%.
We dine at Chowning’s Tavern, where a
musician plays music from the 1700s on a fife, a wooden flute and a dulcimer
while we enjoy a meal that might well have been served back then.
The server tells
us that the water she offers us is not authentic, since water drunk here back
in the 1700s would make you sick if it didn’t kill you, due to their lack of
sewers and other sanitation measures.
So, everyone drank beer instead. Women here made beer in three strengths--weak for their babies, a little
stronger for children, and very strong for adult consumption. Natalie stuck with water.
We also learn that 40% of the taverns
around town were owned by women, and many were respectable places for women to
eat and drink, but not this one.
Chowning’s served working men, and men that came from far and wide to be
tried at court here for their offenses.
We decline our server’s offer not to
charge us for our dinner if we leave Natalie behind with her to become an
indentured servant. She thinks Natalie
would be a particularly good servant, since she has such nice teeth. She
explains other people’s tooth options to Natalie--poor people were just missing
teeth with no replacement, wealthier people could have wooden false teeth
carved to fit in their mouths, and some people would even purchase teeth from
others with good teeth like Natalie, and have a skilled artisan insert them
into carved gums. This option in
particular really grosses Natalie out.
After dinner we attend a dance by
candlelight at the Governor’s Palace.
The costumed characters perform some of the very intricate dances for
us, but they invite members of the audience to join them for over half of the
dances, which are performed in lines and circles--very elegant versions of
square dancing. They teach us “honors”
(how to bow and curtsy), so we can be mannerly on the dance floor when
beginning and ending our dances with them.
All three of us have a turn on the dance floor for at least one dance,
but Granddad gets chosen twice, a fate he bemoans.
On the way back to our hotel, we stop
into Bruton Parish Episcopal Church to catch the last few pieces of a
magnificent candlelit organ concert. The music was out of the timeframe of the
rest of our day (all 19th and 20th century), but the
church dates back to 1715, and has been renovated to look just as it did back
then, including candle sconces along the walls next to every pew and a massive
candle chandelier above.
We can’t imagine how anyone could pack
more into a day at Williamsburg than we did!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Zip-a-dee-doo-da it’s a Ziplining Day
Ten Year Old Trip
Day 4
After our ziplining follies, we return to
our base at the Glades and work on finding the rest of their geocaches. One of them is along a trail that we soon
realize we have entered from the wrong end.
Not one to turn back from a challenge, Granddad starts us bushwhacking
through the underbrush, scrambling up what looks like a deer trail to the top
of a ridge. When we come to a dead end
and anticipate the possibility that we may have to turn back, we scramble
around the obstacles and find another tiny opening that brings us closer to the
cache. We are sure we are the first
searchers to follow this treacherous route.
Day 4
8, 2013
Another day, another adventure, and
today’s highlight is ziplining.
Not just
any ziplining, but a course that runs along the rim of the New River Gorge,
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on deck, waiting for our turn to zip the gorge |
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photo taken by Dick while zipping |
with nine breath-taking (I call them scary) zip line runs that feature deep
chasms far below the lines,
plus two swinging sky bridges designed to cause
coronary thrombosis.
The final feature is
a free fall line from a 55 foot tower (this comes after the second sky bridge
which is longer than a football field and only one board wide, with gaps
between boards wide enough to stimulate the thought that gasp is almost the same word as gaps).
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Natalie flips upside-down during her final zip |
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So glad it is almost over |
Natalie observes, “The easy way is for losers.” We
laugh, hard, then decide that this could be a good motto for Team Glover.
Of course we find the cache, and it is
not an easy hide. Then we hike back to
the car following the real trail (longer, but much easier, and quicker, too). Along the way we pick up lots of beautifully
colored leaves, and Natalie artistically arranges them on the luxuriant moss
for a pretty photo op memory of our walk in the woods.
When we go to redeem our Glades
Geocaching BINGO card for our prize (we have BINGO three ways, and would have
the card filled if three of the sites had not been compromised), we are a
little disappointed to find that all our hard work has only earned us one free bowling game at the resort bowling alley.
Once again, the reward is more in the process than the prize.
We try to eat dinner out on the deck of
the Glades Resort restaurant where we ate on our first night here, but we are
interrupted mid-meal by yet another rainstorm.
We stick it out under the sun umbrella over the table for a while when
the rain is wimpy, but give up and go inside when the wind starts driving the
pelting rain against us.
This is our last night in wet, wild and
wonderful West Virginia. Tomorrow we
leave for Colonial Williamsburg, which we hope will be less wet.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wild West Virginia Whitewater by Duckie!
Ten Year Old Trip
immature bald eagle flies across the river right in front of us and perches in
a tree where we can all paddle close and admire him. (Granddad didn't bring his big lens camera on this trip, so no photo.)
7, 2013
The water is unusually high for August in
the New River (they are getting lots and lots of rain, as we will see). The result of all this water is a lots more
action on the rapids. Whoo-whee!
We don’t do the river the easy
way--riding in a raft with a guide who does most of the work. Instead, we pilot our own duckies--inflatable
kayaks. We start out with Granddad and
Natalie sharing a two person duckie and Gayl paddling a one person duckie.
But, after lunch, Natalie wants to try
her hand a solo kayaking, and navigates her way through a long stretch of the
river, including two big stretches of rapids.
A massive wall of water tosses her out of the kayak in one, but she does
an amazing job of holding on to the duckie and popping herself right back in it
while we are still in the rapids! (Granddad’s
contribution is catching the paddle and handing it back to her when she is back
When we get to a stretch of calm water,
the guides show us how to do balancing games on the bottom of an overturned
duckie. Natalie and Gayl play three
rounds, and Natalie is the clear winner, as you can see by this photo finish
demonstrating Natalie remains on top longer (the big splash is Gayl).
Natalie decides to take the bow of the
two person kayak with Granddad again after our game, and when Gayl tries to hoist
herself into her kayak, she comes to really appreciate Natalie’s grace and athleticism
in getting back aboard after the rapids gave her what the guides call “an out of duckie
experience.” It takes a lot of heave-hoing
help from Granddad in the next duckie to haul Gayl out of the river, and get
her flopping back into her duckie. (So glad Granddad was too busy hauling me in to get pictures of this!)
The rail bed that we saw yesterday when we
visited Nuttallburg runs beside the section of the river that we are running in
our duckies today. Even though
Nuttallburg and many other coal towns along the river have disappeared or
turned to ghost towns, we know that there is still a lot of coal being produced
around here, because a very long and loud train with three engines pulling only
coal cars passes us for at least fifteen minutes. It seems like an endless interruption to the serenity
of our river rafting experience.
The scenery is beautiful and the weather wonderful--warm
and partly cloudy--right up until fifteen minutes before we get to our pull-out
point. We had been hearing distant
thunder, watching clouds gain on us from behind, and feeling the wind increase (fortunately
from behind) for about five minutes, when suddenly the clouds split open and
rain comes down on us pelting hard. We
almost wonder if it is hail. We are wet
already from encounters with rapids, but we don’t much like the thunder and the
low visibility caused by the torrents of water from above.
We fly through our final rapids with the
rain feeling like whitewater coming down at us from above, then we fight strong
currents to get to shore and take out the duckies.
We are tired.
During the long bus ride on twisty roads
from the bottom of the gorge to the top, we realize how much body heat we were
generating paddling our duckies. Once we
are sitting still, we start to feel a bit chilly. We treasured those hot showers back at the
base at the end of the bus ride, and now we treasure great memories of a
spectacular day.
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